The Bruins were 11-point favorites against the Mountain West Bulldogs yet were grossly outgained, largely outplayed and generally outclassed.
Same old break-your-heart-Bruins, to others. “It was stunning,” defensive back Qwuantrezz Knight said. In the end, that is how it sounded, this first Bruins loss, this stealing of Bruins magic, set to a chorus of dancing witnesses simply repeating the first words in a final score. The wreckage was spectacular, powder blue turning a deep red just before midnight Saturday as the Rose Bowl was filled with the chants of strangers. Less than a month after racing to unrecognizable speeds on the fuel of two impressive victories, the UCLA football bandwagon has careened into a ditch, run off the road by some raging dudes from Fresno. Dorian Thompson-Robinson (1) reaches out to fans as he heads to the locker room after a disappointing loss to Fresno State.